Friday, March 30, 2012

Same Sex Marriage

I recently read an editorial in the New York Times, regarding same sex marriage. To be perfectly honest, I was originally against it. Marriage was first intended to be between a man and a woman, but in recent years, more gay and lesbian couples have joined in matrimony. One of the major arguments regarding same sex marriage is the sanctity of it will be lost if gays and lesbians are allowed to marry. Really?? Marriage has not been taken seriously by straight couples in quite some time. More marriages end in divorce, and have spoke people such as Tiger Woods and Kim Kardashian to keep the "sanctity" of it alive.Who am I or anyone else to stop same sex couples from wanting to have their relationship validated?

Currently there are only seven states that have passed a same sex marriage law. But what is stopping others from passing the law? I believe it can be summed up with one word; fear. This is the same word that caused hesitation to let African Americans have the same rights as Whites, and it was also felt when women wanted to voice their opinion and vote. People do not like change. But I believe as a country we are ready. The gay/lesbian community is not asking for people to agree and join in on their lives, they're just asking for their relationships to be taken seriously by the country they work for and live in. America seems to forget that many of the men and women fighting for us come home and must hide their partners from everyone. I am for equality for all; I support gay marriage.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sexual Violence in the Military

On March 8, 2012, The New York Times posted a comment in their editorial section, on the lack of action that has been taken to protect American women serving in the military, who are sexually assaulted. According to a 2006 between 23 and 33 percent of uniformed women had been assaulted. The author begins to explain how there might very well be more women, and men, who are assaulted, but are crippled by fear and therefore choose not to come forward. From there details are given of how Defense Secretary Leon Panetta claims to have a zero tolerance policy for these types of crimes, but yet has done little more than okay a poster to be hung, that reads: Ask her when she's sober."

I am glad some light is being shed on this heinous crime. When women join the military, many are looking to better themselves by fighting and serving their country. With that being said, it is ridiculous that more has not been done to protect them. And sadly it does not stop with sexual assault, but domestic violence, rape, and harassment. But what are the consequences are given to the accusers? The author explains that many are given the opportunity to just resign from their job, without consequence. I respect the men and women of our military, but I do not believe they are above the law, and should not be treated as such. For women to perform well here in America, and while serving overseas as well, they must feel safe and secure. The only way this will resonate to them is if the government defends them in their time of need, instead of turning a blind eye on the matter.